End of Mountainbike Trip - Reisverslag uit Ottawa, Canada van Jelle de Rooij - WaarBenJij.nu End of Mountainbike Trip - Reisverslag uit Ottawa, Canada van Jelle de Rooij - WaarBenJij.nu

End of Mountainbike Trip

Door: Jelle

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Jelle

06 September 2004 | Canada, Ottawa

Hi all,

This is the end of the mountainbike trip. Not the end of my trip. But it is the end of riding on dirtroads.

My bike did really well!!!
Some statistics:
-a little over 4000 miles
-zero flats!!!
-one broken spoke...
-one tire finished (it was the backtire, and I was carrying a spare)
-3 times fallen of the bicycle (no serious damage to the bicycle or myself)

The last part trough Canada was beautiful!
I notice that summer is ending....snow on the mountains. Fortunately not where I'm cycling, but the mountains look awesome. I will try to put some new pictures on this site.

Last three days were all on dirt. Some even on closed roads, so no traffic at all!

The last day was the best, no rain, a little sun, but I still had to wear my jacket and my "legpieces" (cyclists will know what I mean)

My further plans are to cycle north to Jasper (around 290 km) This is over the Icefields Parkway, so no dirtroad anymore, but with beautiful views over glaciers, lakes and big mountains!
I won't be able to camp all the way to Jasper, because some campgrounds are closed due the fact that the season is ending....

After Jasper I want to go to Vancouver by train and possibly visit Vancouver Island.
After that I will see....since I still have a little more than a month

See you later!!


  • 06 September 2004 - 17:57


    Hi Jelle,
    Its good to hear from you, nice pics. Send you an e-mail later on.

  • 06 September 2004 - 20:02


    Dear Jelle
    So far so good...the day after tomorrow Corrie and I are leaving for L.A.
    We hope to see the beauty as you are still doing!
    Before I forget:Happy Birthday for the 14th!!! I will keep it a secret...your age!!!
    Anyway from me a big kiss!!!

  • 07 September 2004 - 00:19


    Wat een mooi verhaal weer Jelle! Ook weer genieten wij van je schitterende foto's! Momenteel zit ik in de nachtdienst en geniet volop van je avonturen. Groetjes Annemarie / Sytse en de jongens

  • 07 September 2004 - 11:58


    Hoi Jelle, ben zelf net terug uit Canada. Het is inderdaad fantastisch. Tip: vermijd Beauty Creek Hostel en ga absoluut wel naar Mosquito Creek hostel of campground. Erg leuke sfeer en omgeving!!! Wij hebben een icewalk gedaan op de Columbia Icefields, ook erg aan te raden. Maar goed ik stuur je wel even een email met mijn tips dan hoeft de rest dit niet allemaal te lezen.

  • 07 September 2004 - 17:14

    Jaap Miltenburg:

    Hiermee maak je me wel een beetje jaloers, Jelle, achter de computer op mijn werk!

  • 07 September 2004 - 17:43



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