Some miles by car...... - Reisverslag uit Washington, D. C., Verenigde Staten van Jelle de Rooij - Some miles by car...... - Reisverslag uit Washington, D. C., Verenigde Staten van Jelle de Rooij -

Some miles by car......

Door: Jelle

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Jelle

26 Mei 2004 | Verenigde Staten, Washington, D. C.

Hi all,

Driving a car was nice for about a week, but I'm looking forward to go cycling again.

I rented the car in St George, from there I visited Zion National Park, Grand Canyon (both North and South Rim), Monument Valley and much more smaller and less well known National Parks and Monuments.

Travelling by car is much different of course, because you can see a lot more in less time. Some of the parks would be quite difficult to see by bicycle, because they are so huge. For instance the North Rim of Grand Canyon has an entry point from where you need to drive about 15 miles to get to one viewpoint. One campground is available there too, but you need to reserve almost a year in advance. So I had to turn back to Jacob Lake, which was another 50 I was happy to have a car there.

Further the roads are not very nice for cycling, there are virtually no shoulders. It would be quite dangerous to cycle there.

Thursday I will start cycling again in direction of New Mexico, on my way I will pass Tombstone (OK Corral is there, where the some famous gunfights took place)

In a couple of days I will get to the Great Divide Mountainbike Route. At the border of Mexico and the US in Antelope Wells I will start to go north!!!

Thank you for all your messages, also directly to my email adress.

PS I did not have to dig holes (with my bare hands) for doing big business yet!!!
Hard core camping will start soon........

  • 26 Mei 2004 - 21:33


    Jambo Jelle,

    I wondered how far you would be right now and how you were doing. Got this website from Femke and noticed your post was the latest on the forum. So I didn't have to search ;-)

    The trip, stories and pictures look real good! You must be a relaxed and happy man at this moment.

    Have fun and I am looking forward to the new stories and pix!


  • 27 Mei 2004 - 14:26


    Klinkt allemaal geweldig Jelle. Zoals je begrijpt zijn we helemaal lost zonder je en is het ongelooflijk stil hier. Wanneer ga je nu met je tocht beginnen?

  • 29 Mei 2004 - 07:28


    Jelle, still going strong through the toughest places to ride, but you know when the going gets tough the .....

    Enjoy and watch out B4 U get on UR bike again!!Haha

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